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Get variable type name

I got 2 classes that are using templates with 2 arguments, MinHeap and HeapNode. I create a MinHeap object in the main that creates a vector inside the class and after that I call insert function that inserts a HeapNode in the MinHeap vector.

The problem appears when in insert method I can't create a HeapNode because the variable types are not caught by the compiler giving me that error:

type/value mismatch at argument 1 in template parameter list for 'template class HeapNode' Heap.push_back(HeapNode(key,value));

Main code:

MinHeap<int,string> vector(); 

Insert function code:

void MinHeap<T,V>::insert(T key, V value){ 

HeapNode class code:

#ifndef HEAPNODE_H
#define HEAPNODE_H
template <class T, class V>
class HeapNode {
HeapNode(T newKey, V newValue);
HeapNode(const HeapNode& orig);
virtual ~HeapNode();
T getKey();
void setKey(T newKey);
V getValue();
void setValue(V newValue);
T key;
V value;


template <class T, class V>
HeapNode<T,V>::HeapNode(T newKey, V newValue){
this->key = newKey;
this->value = newValue;

template <class T, class V>
T HeapNode<T,V>::getKey(){
 return key;

template <class T, class V>
void HeapNode<T,V>::setKey(T newKey){
this->key = newKey;

template <class T, class V>
V HeapNode<T,V>::getValue(){
return value;

template <class T, class V>
void HeapNode<T,V>::setValue(V newValue){
this->value = newValue;
#endif /* HEAPNODE_H */

MinHeap class code:

#ifndef MINHEAP_H
#define MINHEAP_H
#include "HeapNode.h"
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
template <class T, class V>
class MinHeap {
    MinHeap(const MinHeap& orig);
    virtual ~MinHeap();
    T size();
    T empty();
    void insert(T key,V value);
    T min();
    T minValues();
    void removeMin();
    void printHeap();
    void removeMinAux(T i);

    std::vector<T,V> Heap;
    void swap(HeapNode<T,V>* parent, HeapNode<T,V>* child);


template <class T, class V>
    delete Heap;
template <class T, class V>
void MinHeap<T,V>::insert(T key, V value){ 
template <class T, class V>
T MinHeap<T,V>::empty(){
    return Heap.empty();
template <class T, class V>
T MinHeap<T,V>::size(){
    return Heap.size();
template <class T, class V>
T MinHeap<T,V>::min(){
    return Heap.front().getKey();

template <class T, class V>
T MinHeap<T,V>::minValues(){
    return Heap.front().getValue();

template <class T, class V>
void MinHeap<T,V>::removeMin(){
    Heap.front() = Heap.back();

template <class T, class V>
void MinHeap<T,V>::removeMinAux(T i){
    if(Heap.at(i*2+1)== 0){
       cout<< "Heap has been reordenated"<<endl; 

template <class T, class V>
void MinHeap<T,V>::swap(HeapNode<T,V>* parent, HeapNode<T,V>* child){
    T tmp; 
    tmp = *child;
    *child = *parent;
    *parent = tmp; 
    delete tmp; 


#endif /* MINHEAP_H */


The problems with your code run a bit deep, unfortunately.

Your main code creates a min heap instance like this:

MinHeap<int,string> vector(); 

This wouldn't build for me; a new version of visual studio and an old version of GCC both rejected it with various complaints (are you aware of the most vexing parse , as an example of how this sort of thing can trip you up?) I changed it to

MinHeap<int, string> v;

This constructs a MinHeap instance with a private member Heap that effectively looks like this:

std::vector<int,string> Heap;

Now, if you look at the docs for std::vector you'll see that what you're doing here is creating a vector of int with an allocator of string . This isn't ever going to work, and you're certainly not going to be able to push HeapNode instances onto it!

What you should have done is this:

std::vector<HeapNode<T, V>> Heap;

Now, in your insert function, you do this:

Heap.push_back(HeapNode<typeid(key).name(),typeid(value).name()> (key,value));

Which is, as IInspectable says above, a fundamental misunderstanding of how the typeid operator works, and also a misunderstanding of how template types work. typeid(foo).name() is the name of a type, not the actual type itself. That's why your error message says "type/value mismatch".

You already know the type of key and the type of value ... they're right there in the function prototype! T and V respectively!

If you do this:


The problem goes away. There may be more problems, but as you haven't defined all the functionality of HeapNode and MinHeap in your supplied code, there's not much I can do about those.

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