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Android: How to code layoutAnimation instead of xml

I'm going to give layout animation to item of ListView, which I used android:layoutAnimation before.

         android:layoutAnimation="@anim/layout_anim" />

// ../res/anim
         android:animation="@anim/slide_up" />

I tried to give following codes in adapter.

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        Animation animation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, R.anim.slide_up);

        return v;

And it works but the slide_up animation is implemented by full activity's level, not the item level. It appears from bottom of the activity. Originally it should appear from the bottom of item.

What was I wrong?

I solved using LayoutAnimationController.

LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout) lineView.findViewById(R.id.linearLayout);
LayoutAnimationController anim = AnimationUtils.loadLayoutAnimation(context, R.anim.layout_anim);

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