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Splitting a string in java with more than one split parameter

I am working with strings and had a quick question. I have a string of text I extracted from a file and now want to create a string array with each sentence of the text, I understand I could use string.split("."); for periods but how do I add question marks and exclamation marks. I tried string.split("." + "!" + "?"); but that didn't seem to work. Any help would be appreciated!

string.split(".") does not work as you expect it does...

String s = "Hello.world";
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(s.split("."))); // outputs [] 

Split method takes a regex .

String s = "Hello.world";
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(s.split("\\."))); // outputs [Hello, world]

The regex of ".!?" says "any character followed by zero or more ! " (which effectively is the same result as just "." )

If you want to split on individual characters, use a character class


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