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Performance issue in spark java

I am using spark 2.11 version and I am doing only 3 basic operations in my application:

  1. taking records from the database: 2.2 million
  2. checking records from a file (5 000) present in Database(2.2 million) using contains
  3. writing matched records to a file of CSV format

But for these 3 operations, it takes almost 20 minutes. If I do same operations in SQL, it will take less than 1 minutes.

I have started to use spark because it will yield results very fast but it is taking too much of time. How to improve performance?

Step 1: taking records from the database.

        Properties connectionProperties = new Properties();
        connectionProperties.put("user", "test");
        connectionProperties.put("password", "test##");
        String query="(SELECT * from items)
        dataFileContent= spark.read().jdbc("jdbc:oracle:thin:@//", query,connectionProperties);

Step2: checking records of file A (5k) present in file B (2M) using contains

Dataset<Row> NewSet=source.join(target,target.col("ItemIDTarget").contains(source.col("ItemIDSource")),"inner");

Step3: writing matched records to a file of CSV format

        .option("delimiter", ",")
        .option("header", "true")
        .option("treatEmptyValuesAsNulls", "true")  
        .option("nullValue", "")  

To improve the performance I have tried several things like setting Cache, data serialization


Shuffle time

sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "10"),

Data Structure Tuning

-XX:+UseCompressedOops ,

none of the approaches is not yielding better performance.

Increasing performance is more like improving parallelism.

Parallelism depends on number of partitions in RDD.

Make sure Dataset/Dataframe/RDD neither have too many number of partitions nor very less number of partitions.

Please check below suggestions where you can improve your code. I'm more comfortable with scala so I am providing suggestions in scala.

Step1: Make sure you have control on connections you make with database by mentionioning numPartitions.

Number of connections = number of partitions.

Below I just assigned 10 to num_partitions, this you have to tune to get more performance.

  int num_partitions;
  num_partitions = 10;
  Properties connectionProperties = new Properties();
  connectionProperties.put("user", "test");
  connectionProperties.put("password", "test##");
  connectionProperties.put("partitionColumn", "hash_code");
  String query = "(SELECT  mod(A.id,num_partitions)  as hash_code, A.* from items A)";
  dataFileContent = spark.read()
      dbtable = query,
      columnName = "hash_code",
      lowerBound = 0,
      upperBound = num_partitions,
      numPartitions = num_partitions,

You can check how numPartitions works


  Dataset<Row> NewSet = source.join(target,

Since one of table/dataframe having 5k records(small amount of data) you can use broadcast join as mentioned below.

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.broadcast
val joined_df = largeTableDF.join(broadcast(smallTableDF), "key")

Step3: Use coalesce to decrease number of partitions so that it avoids full shuffle.

        .option("delimiter", ",")
        .option("header", "true")
        .option("treatEmptyValuesAsNulls", "true")  
        .option("nullValue", "")  

Hope my answer helps you.

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