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exe created with pyinstaller failed to execute

I am trying to create an .exe file of my python script using pyinstaller. The exe file is successfully created but when I try to run it, cmd gives the error:

Import Error: Astropy requires the 'six' module of minimum version 1.10; normally this is bundled with the astropy package so if you get this warning consult the packager of your Astropy distribution. Failed to execute script MARK1

I have installed Astropy V1.33.

Looks like this is a known an ongoing issue with Astropy. Here is some discussion from the Astropy development on GitHub: https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/960 .

This question has also been asked a few times before:

You could try including six as a hidden-import in your pyinstaller settings. Otherwise, you might need to use a frozen version of Astropy, where they have added some edits to make it work with pyinstaller.

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