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variable of variable value in python

In my requirement the list is dynamically creating with collection of dictionaries with different columns for each time. So every time what I need to print will be different based on the some logic.

If I create if ..else statement for each case I can print what ever I want.

Here I have too many cases so I dont want to write that many if ...esle statements just to print.

Instead of that I want to read what I need to print from a config file and print the actual value.

Example: list1=[{'name': 'xyz', 'age' : 22, 'place' : 'huj'}, {'name' : 'hjhd", 'age' : 44, 'place' : 'wer'}]

want to print name and age columns

the following code will do my work.
if id == 1:
    for i in list1:
elif id == 2:
    for i in list1:
elif id == 3:
    for i in list1:

I just want to write only one if else statement. Since I have more than 100 cases.

Instead of writing these many if else statements is there any other way I can handle this by using ConfigParser or any thing else.

You can use print formatting like

for entry in list1:
    print("{name}, {age}  ({place})".format(**entry))

How about this:

x = ["name", "age"]
for i in list1:
    for k in x:
        print list1[i][k]

I am also pretty confused by the question but here is another option

list1=[{'name': 'xyz', 'age' : 22, 'place' : 'huj'}, {'name' : 'hjhd", 'age' : 44, 'place' : 'wer'}]

key1 = "name"
key2 = "age"
key3 = "place"

x = [li[key1] + li[key2] + li[key3] for li in list1]
print x 

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