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C# Regular Expression for x number of groups of A-Z separated by hyphen

I am trying to match the following pattern.

A minimum of 3 'groups' of alphanumeric characters separated by a hyphen.


Each group can be any number of characters long.

I have tried the following:


This gives me what I want to an extent.

ABC1-AB-B5-0001 fails, and ABC1-AB-B5-0001- passes.

I don't want the trailing hyphen to be a requirement.

I can't figure out how to modify the expression.

Your ^(\\w*(-)){3,}?$ pattern even allows a string like ----- because the only required pattern here is a hyphen: \\w* may match 0 word chars. The - may be both leading and trailing because of that.

You may use


Details :

  • \\A - start of string
  • \\w+ - 1+ word chars (that is, letters, digits or _ symbols)
  • (?:-\\w+){2,} - 2 or more sequences of:
    • - - a single hyphen
    • \\w+ - 1 or more word chars
  • \\z - the very end of string.

See the regex demo .

Or, if you do not want to allow _ :


or to only allow ASCII letters and digits:






Matches minimum 3 groups, optionally starting with a hyphen, thus ignoring the trailing hyphen.

Note that the \\w word character also select the underscore char _ as well as 0-9 and az

link to demo

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