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Replace word with another word in long string in nested array

My path are like below in my tree structure :

Node                : /myPath/Node 
     Node-1         : /myPath/Node/Node-1
       Node-1-1     : /myPath/Node/Node-1-1

Now if my current object record from Node then from that node I would like to travel every child nodes of it and replace Node with First.

Expected output will be :

Node                : /myPath/First
     Node-1         : /myPath/First/Node-1
       Node-1-1     : /myPath/First/Node-1-1

With my current code problem is it is only replacing search term(First) at first node but not for each of the child node.

 var currentObj = { "name": "Node", "nodes": [ { "name": "Node-1", "nodes": [ { "name": "Node-1-1", "nodes": [ { "name": "Node-1-1-1", "nodes": [ ], "path": "/myPath/Node/Node-1/Node-1-1/Node-1-1-1" } ], "path": "/myPath/Node/Node-1/Node-1-1" } ], "path": "/myPath/Node/Node-1" } ], "path": "/myPath/Node" }; recursive(currentObj,"First"); console.log(currentObj); function recursive(node,replace) { console.log(node.path); node.path = replaceAll(node.path,'Node',replace); } function replaceAll(str, find, replace) { return str.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(find), 'g'), replace); } function escapeRegExp(str) { return str.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\\[\\]\\/\\\\])/g, "\\\\$1"); } 

Recursively calling recursive for each node in nodes seems to work:

function recursive(node)
    node.path = replaceAll(node.path,'Node','First');

With extra arguments:

node.nodes.forEach(function(child_node) {
    recursive(child_node, arg1, arg2);

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