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what are the different ways to fetch data from IoT Hub(microsoft azure)?

通过Microsoft azure IoT中心在其他服务器/云存储(例如AWS)上存储经过精炼/筛选的数据的方法有哪些?

The following is an example of the warm path for your telemetry stream. It is based on the new preview feature for archiving ingested data at the Event Hub. Note, that this preview feature is not built in the Azure IoT Hub, so all events are routed to the custom Event Hub. The period of the archiving events into the Azure Storage Blob (avro blob) can be configured from 1 - 15 minutes.


There are many ways to accomplish this and I think that there are no right answers to your question. Anyways, here are possible options:

Push to AWS: IoT HuB => Stream Analytics => Azure Storage or SQL Database => Azure Functions => AWS storage

Pull from AWS: IoT HuB => Stream Analytics => Azure Storage or SQL Database <= AWS Lambda => AWS storage

I realize that is vague but you didn't provide much details.

WebJobs, Azure Functions and Azure Stream Analytics (ASA) can be used along with a slew of intermediate storage options depending on your needs. For a straight up filtered stream you could use IoT Hub routes to blob storage, then a WebJob or Azure Function triggered on the blob storage to push to AWS.

SQL Azure can struggle under certain high volume situations and ASA is expensive for what it is unless you need actual real time analytics (about $85/SU/month with MS recommending 3 SU's for production ASA jobs).

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