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Why is the difference between the Range objects 'A'..'AB' and 'B'..'AB' in Ruby?

Can someone please explain me why

#=> ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "AA", "AB"]


#=> []


string1..string2 will list "all" strings between the two values in "dictionary order" .

More precisely, it will repeatedly call String#succ on string1 , until it reaches string2 .

"A".succ == "B"
"B".succ == "C"
# ...
"Z".succ == "AA"
"AA".succ == "AB"

On the other hand, if string2 < string1 (ie " string2 comes before string1 in a dictionary"), then you get an empty range. There is a slight discrepancy here between the initial use of String#<=> to check whether the range is "valid" , and then reaching string2 by calling String#succ on string1 .

If you want to generate that list: ["B", "C", ... , "Z", "AA", "AB"] , then you could specify a "valid" range and then remove the first element(s):


Suppose instead that you want to use two strings that are in the "wrong order" - eg "BA" and "B" . Note that this list will be counting "backwards":

["BA", "AZ", "AY", ... "AA", "Z", "Y", "X", ..., "C", "B"]

First note that this will not work , because "BA" > "B" :

  # => []

Instead, you could convert the reversed range to an array and reverse it again:


Or if you plan to loop through this list, it's more performant to use reverse_each :

("B".."BA").reverse_each { |x| ... }

It's because of a discrepancy between String#succ and String#<=> :

'a'.succ       #=> 'b'
'a' < 'a'.succ #=> true


'z'.succ       #=> 'aa'
'z' < 'z'.succ #=> false

Range utilizes both, succ and <=> when generating a sequence. It uses succ to generate each successive value and checks via <=> that the values are indeed successive (ending the sequence if not). 1

Even String#upto behaves this way. I've recently filed a bug report , because I'm under the impression that it should handle this properly.

1 This is the behavior for iterating custom objects . Range behaves more oddly for the built-in String class, maybe because of optimizations.

Range#to_a internally calls the method succ of its "elements". Here is a non-official implementation of Range#to_a

class Range
  def to_a
    ary = []
    item = self.begin
    compare = self.exclude_end? ? :< : :<=
    while item.public_send(compare, self.end)
      ary << item
      item = item.succ

You can try 'A'.succ , 'B'.succ , ... to see the sequence it generates.

Because 'B' is alphabetically greater than 'AB' , the loop ends before the first iteration, thus you get [] .

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