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How to convert primitive long datatype to Class type for Class.getMethod(methodName, Class…);

How can i pass a datatype of type long as a param for method which is accepting arbitrary param Class...

I am actually trying to get the reflection of a method from the below class.

 Class Fun(){public Object getBox(long boxId, String boxName){}}

Trying to access this method using below Code.

Class clazz = new fun().getClass(); String str = "Welcome"; Method method = clazz.getMethod("getBox",new Long(22).getClass, str.getClass());

Iam getting the below exception when i try accessing the method name for invoking.


How to pass a long and a string variable for parametertypes in the below method signature.

public Method getMethod(String name,
               Class<?>... parameterTypes)
                 throws NoSuchMethodException,

Java considers long and Long as two different types. The former is a primitive type while the latter is a reference type. You need the Class object of the former.

You can get the class of long by doing long.class . Actually, you can get the Class object of any class by doing ClassName.class .

Therefore, your code can be rewritten like this:

Class<fun> clazz = fun.class;
Method method = clazz.getMethod("getBox",long.class, String.class);


Method method = clazz.getMethod("getBox", long.class, String.class);

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