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How to return from Kotlin function type

I'm using function type to store code to be invoked on button click.
How to return from this function type
Code given below :

var SearchClickEvent: ((searchString: String) -> Unit)? = null

inputDialog!!.SearchClickEvent = Search_Click  

private val Search_Click = { searchString: String ->
        return//Error msg : return is not allowed here  
        //How to return from here

NOTE: I'm storing a piece of code in a variable not calling or writing any function

you need to create a label with explicit return statement in lambda, for example:

//   label for lambda---v
val Search_Click = action@{ searchString: String ->
    if (searchString.isEmpty()) {
    // do working

OR invert the if statement as below:

val Search_Click = { searchString: String ->
    if (!searchString.isEmpty()) {
      // do working

You can also do it like this:

private val Search_Click =
    fun(searchString: String) {
        if (searchString.isEmpty()) return
        // more code

Kotlin in Action:

If you use the return keyword in a lambda, it returns from the function in which you called the lambda, not just from the lambda itself. Such a return statement is called a non-local return , because it returns from a larger block than the block containing the return statement.

The rule is simple: return returns from the closest function declared using the fun keyword. Lambda expressions don't use the fun keyword, so a return in a lambda returns from the outer function.

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