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Ruby- How to remove all words which have a specific pattern in a string

For example, the string is "I am very happy today". I want to remove all words containing the letter "a". So the output should be "I very". how can I do that?

Similar to @Sam's answer, only smaller :) Uses the little known Enumerable#grep_v .

Inverted version of #grep. Returns an array of every element in enum for which not Pattern === element.

"I am very happy today".split.grep_v(/a/).join(' ') # => "I very"


"I am very happy today".split.reject{ |word| word.include?("a") }.join(" ")

Here's an example with a regex :

  • word boundary
  • alphanumeric characters
  • a
  • alphanumeric characters
  • word boundary

You need to remove the unneeded spaces then.

"I am very happy today".gsub(/\b\w*a\w*\b/i, '').strip.gsub(/\s+/, ' ')

The answers with split and join are cleaner, though.

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