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If the value of pandas series is a list, how to get a subList of each element?

Using two Pandas series: series1 , and series2 , I am willing to make series3 . Each value of series1 is a list, and each value of series2 is a corresponding index of series1.

>>> print(series1)

0      [481, 12, 11, 220, 24, 24, 645, 153, 15, 13, 6...
1      [64, 80, 79, 147, 14, 20, 56, 288, 12, 208, 26...
4      [5, 6, 152, 31, 295, 127, 711, 5, 271, 291, 11...
5          [363, 121, 727, 249, 483, 122, 241, 494, 555]
7      [112, 20, 41, 9, 104, 131, 26, 298, 65, 214, 1...
9      [129, 797, 19, 151, 448, 47, 19, 106, 299, 144...
11     [72, 35, 25, 200, 122, 5, 75, 30, 208, 24, 14,...
18     [137, 339, 71, 14, 19, 54, 61, 15, 73, 104, 43...

>>> print(series2)

0       0
1       3
4       1
5       6
7       4
9       5
11      7
18      2

What I expect:

>>> print(series3)

0      [481, 12, 11, 220, 24, 24, 645, 153, 15, 13, 6...
1      [147, 14, 20, 56, 288, 12, 208, 26...
4      [6, 152, 31, 295, 127, 711, 5, 271, 291, 11...
5      [241, 494, 555]
7      [104, 131, 26, 298, 65, 214, 1...
9      [47, 19, 106, 299, 144...
11     [30, 208, 24, 14,...
18     [71, 14, 19, 54, 61, 15, 73, 104, 43...

My solution 1 : From the fact that the length of series1 and series2 are equal, I could make a for loop to iterate series1 and calculate something like series1.ix[i][series2.ix[i]] and make a new series( series3 ) to save the result.

My solution 2 : Generate a dataFrame df using df = pd_concat([series1, series2]) , and make a new column(row-wise operation using apply function - eg, df['series3'] = df.apply(lambda x: subList(x), axis=1).

However, I thought above two solutions are not sharp ways to achieve what I want. I would appreciate if you suggest neater solutions!

If you are hoping to avoid creating an intermediate pd.DataFrame , and simply want a new pd.Series , you can use the pd.Series constructor on a map object. So given:

In [6]: S1
0    [481, 12, 11, 220, 24, 24, 645, 153, 15, 13, 6]
1    [64, 80, 79, 147, 14, 20, 56, 288, 12, 208, 26]
2    [5, 6, 152, 31, 295, 127, 711, 5, 271, 291, 11]
3      [363, 121, 727, 249, 483, 122, 241, 494, 555]
4    [112, 20, 41, 9, 104, 131, 26, 298, 65, 214, 1]
5    [129, 797, 19, 151, 448, 47, 19, 106, 299, 144]
6     [72, 35, 25, 200, 122, 5, 75, 30, 208, 24, 14]
7    [137, 339, 71, 14, 19, 54, 61, 15, 73, 104, 43]
dtype: object

In [7]: S2
0    0
1    3
2    1
3    6
4    4
5    5
6    7
7    2
dtype: int64

You can do:

In [8]: pd.Series(map(lambda x,y : x[y:], S1, S2), index=S1.index)
0    [481, 12, 11, 220, 24, 24, 645, 153, 15, 13, 6]
1                [147, 14, 20, 56, 288, 12, 208, 26]
2       [6, 152, 31, 295, 127, 711, 5, 271, 291, 11]
3                                    [241, 494, 555]
4                    [104, 131, 26, 298, 65, 214, 1]
5                            [47, 19, 106, 299, 144]
6                                  [30, 208, 24, 14]
7              [71, 14, 19, 54, 61, 15, 73, 104, 43]
dtype: object

If you want to modify S1 without creating an intermediate container, you can use a for-loop:

In [10]: for i, x in enumerate(map(lambda x,y : x[y:], S1, S2)):
    ...:     S1.iloc[i] = x

In [11]: S1
0    [481, 12, 11, 220, 24, 24, 645, 153, 15, 13, 6]
1                [147, 14, 20, 56, 288, 12, 208, 26]
2       [6, 152, 31, 295, 127, 711, 5, 271, 291, 11]
3                                    [241, 494, 555]
4                    [104, 131, 26, 298, 65, 214, 1]
5                            [47, 19, 106, 299, 144]
6                                  [30, 208, 24, 14]
7              [71, 14, 19, 54, 61, 15, 73, 104, 43]
dtype: object

你基本上可以连接指定wich轴的系列(0 =行,1列),更好的是相同的长度

series3=pd.concat([series2, series1], axis=1).reset_index()

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