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JavaScript: Regex on decimals formatting

In my current app, I am implementing field validation with regex for forms.

More specifically, I am having trouble handling edge-case for numbers with decimals.

Essentially I am using regex to prevent users from typing wrong information in to the input fields.

For instance, if user would type 12.2 and then . afterwards, I am using regex to detect what shouldn't be there, and replace with empty string, ''

Here's my current implementation using a call back function:

export const checkFormat = (typeFormat, value) => {
  //value is stringified
  switch (typeFormat) {
      return value.replace(/(\d+\.\d+)(\.*)\d*/g, '$1')


However, the current regex implementation can't handle such cases as

  • User types : . , then .. ==> .
  • User types : 123.2 , then 1.23.2 ==> 1.232

I'm fairly new to Regex, so obviously it needs some work

You can try this:


and replace by this:


Regex 101 demo

Or to get the a more complex solution, which I guess you are looking for, you may try this:

 const regex = /^(\\d+(?:\\.\\d*))|(\\.)?/gm; const str = ["1.2","...","g..g","1.23","",".,",".,","123.2","1.23.2","14","1","15.6.4789756465","g"]; const replaceRegex = /[^\\.\\d]/gm; for(var i=0;i<str.length;i++) { var res=str[i].replace(replaceRegex,'').split(regex); var finalResult=""; var alreadyContainsDot=false; for(var j=0;j<res.length;j++) if(res[j]!=null && res[j]!="") { if(res[j].includes(".") && !alreadyContainsDot) alreadyContainsDot=true; else if(res[j].includes(".") && alreadyContainsDot) res[j]=res[j].replace(/\\./gm,''); finalResult+=res[j]; } console.log(str[i]+"==>"+finalResult); } 

If my interpretation of the requirement is correct, this should work:

const regex = /(\d+\.?\d+?)(\D+)/g;
const str = `131/1.13.ad`;
const subst = `$1`;

// The substituted value will be contained in the result variable
const result = str.replace(regex, subst);

console.log('Substitution result: ', result);

Regex101 link

It is bad UX practice to monitor what the user is typing and change his input out from underneath him. He is likely to think his keyboard is broken. I don't know when or how this approach became so widespread, but thankfully it seems to be dying out.

In any case, it is always a bad idea to try to do things with numbers using regexps, which are fundamentally designed for manipulating strings. If for some reason you need to check if some string is a valid number, use numeric APIs such as !isNaN(+value) .

Use the appropriate type or pattern attributes on your input fields to do validation. If that does not suffice, validate when the user presses the "Submit" button or equivalent.

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