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12 digit Regex for Phone number

I an trying to get a regex for a phone number with exactly 12 digits in the format: +############.

Code i am trying to use is ([+]?)\\d{12}(\\d{2})?$ but no luck.

Please help

This pattern will match exactly 12 digits after a plus sign:


What is your trailing optional (/d{2})? component doing in your pattern?

This is the same functionality without regex:

if($phone[0]=='+' && strlen($phone)==13 && is_numeric(substr($phone,1))){
    echo 'valid';
    echo 'invalid';
// displays: valid

Try this:


You needed to escape the plus sign

Regex101 Demo

Do we need to capture certain digits/sequences or are you just validating its a number with that format?

I use this online tool regex101 whenever I'm unsure of regex. It shows on the right exactly what you're capturing/checking which is very useful. Depending on your use case, I don't see how this regex doesn't work, please provide an example. Otherwise:

  1. You're only capturing the + sign and the 2 digits after the initial 12.

  2. You anchor to the end of the string and not the beginning
  3. Both the + and 2 extra numerals are optional but you wanted to get the +############ exact?

I suggest you use \\+(\\d{12}) and avoid using anchors and capture groups you do not require.

If you want to support optional spaces between sets of three numbers, you would use this regex instead


where \\s is a space character and ? means optional

https://regex101.com/r/nX5XnH/3 (demo)

+012 345 678 912 (ok)
+012345 678 912 (ok)
+012 345678912 (ok)
+01234567891244 (ok)
012345678913 (no mach - missing plus sign)

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