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How to remove a part of all strings in an array in javascript?

I want split array value .

for example

gUser[1] = CAR.BENZ.CCLASS.1962

gUser[2] = CAR.PORSCHE.911.2001

I want get string only BENZ.CLASS.1962 and PORSCHE.911.2001

How to split array value on java script?


not always CAR string. so, not use substring.

You can use map to access each string in array then use replace. Use a regex to match string before '.' and replace only the first match, like this:

  var gUser = ['CAR.BENZ.CCLASS.1962', 'CAR.PORSCHE.911.2001']; var gUserModified = gUser.map(function(v){ return v.replace(/[^\\.]+\\./, ''); }); console.log(gUserModified); 

Split it with dot then slice it and join it with dot

 var gUser =[]; gUser[1] = "CAR.BENZ.CCLASS.1962"; gUser[2] = "CAR.PORSCHE.911.2001"; console.log(gUser[1].split('.').slice(1).join('.')); console.log(gUser[2].split('.').slice(1).join('.')); 

From your question, it's not clear if the array is a string array

If it is a string array you can do:

ES6+: gUser.map((user)=>{return user.split("CAR.")[1]})

ES5: gUser.map(function(user){return user.split("CAR.")[1]});

The below code is not tested but should probably work, with maybe minor tweaks

 var splitStr = '' var correctCarArr = [] for(let i = 0; i < gUser.length; i++){ splitStr = gUser[i].split('.') let temp = '' for(let j = 1; j < splitStr.length; j++){ temp += splitStr[j] } correctCarArr.push(temp) } 

 var gUser = []; gUser[1] = "CAR.BENZ.CCLASS.1962"; var gu1 = gUser[1].split("."); gu1.shift(); console.log(gu1.join(".")); 

Its easier split then shift the array to remove the first item like this:

 gUser = ["CAR.BENZ.CCLASS.1962"]; var benz = gUser[0].split("."); benz.shift(); alert(benz.join('.')); 

There are other options from shift like slice(1) but In terms of performance, shift is apparently faster https://jsperf.com/shift-pop-vs-slice/4

So here is the way without using any regex by only using string and array methods.

 const gUser = ['CAR.BENZ.CCLASS.1962', 'CAR.PORSCHE.911.2001', 'XYZAB.PORSCHE.YSA.2021'] for (let i = 0; i < gUser.length; i++) { console.log('Required String: ', gUser[i].split('.').slice(1).join('.')); } 

What we do is, we split the string into parts where . is encountered.

gUser[0].split('.') returns ['CAR', 'BENZ', 'CCLASS', '1962']

Later when slice(1) is called, the zeroth element of array is chopped off and will return ['BENZ', 'CCLASS', '1962']

And finally using join('.') , we merge the array elements to a single string with a . between each element, which returns BENZ.CCLASS.1962

Hope this helps! :)

Something Like This

`for(let index = 0; index < gUser.length; index++) {
    console.log(gUser[index].split('.').splice(0, 1).join('.'));

I haven't tested it. Please check and let me know

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