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Running python code through Cython with command line arguments

I have a Python code that uses two command line arguments. I am using linux terminal for all command line tasks. Now I am trying to use Cython to speed up my Python code. For that I have compiled the Python code to C using build_ext module by creating this setup.py file:


from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
setup (
cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext } ,
ext_modules = [
Extension ("myCode", ["myCode.py"]) ,

And then compiling my Python code into C using:

python setup.py build_ext -i

The following were generated:


I want to run the generated file with command line arguments. Till now in Python I was using the usual command

>> python myCode.py arg1 arg2

I am very new to Cython, infact I started using it to address the inherent speed issue of Python after code level algorithm optimization. I need inputs on which files to run, and how to run the converted C code and with command line arguments. Thanks in advance.

As mentioned you compiled a Python module. So to call from Linux you have to write a .py script that imports your compiled module and does any calculations needed. Then you can run it with your typical Linux command.

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