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Replacing quotes in a Java String only on specific places

We have a String as below.


I need to remove the quotes surrounding the numbers. For example, the above string after replacement should look like below.


Currently I'm trying with the regex as below

String.replaceAll("\"\\\\d\"", "");

This is replacing the numbers also. Please help to find out a regex for this.

You can use replaceAll with this regex \\"(\\d+)\\" so you can replace the matching of \\"(\\d+)\\" with the capturing group (\\d+) :

String str = "\\config\\test\\[name=\"sample\"]\\identifier[\"2\"]\\age[\"3\"]";
str = str.replaceAll("\"(\\d+)\"", "$1");



regex demo

Take a look about Capturing Groups

We can try doing a blanket replacement of the following pattern:


And replacing it with this:


Note that we specifically target quoted numbers only appearing in square brackets. This minimizes the risk of accidentally doing an unintended replacement.


String input = "\\config\\test\\[name=\"sample\"]\\identifier[\"2\"]\\age[\"3\"]";
input = input.replaceAll("\\[\"(\\d+)\"\\]", "[$1]");



Demo here:


You can use:


and replace it with nothing == ( "" )

fast test:

echo '\config\test\[name="sample"]\identifier["2"]\age["3"]' | perl -lpe 's/(?:"(?=\d)|(?<=\d)")//g' 

the output:



echo 'identifier["123"]\age["456"]' | perl -lpe 's/(?:"(?=\d)|(?<=\d)")//g' 

the output:



if you have only a single double quote " it works fine; otherwise you should add quantifier + for both beginning and end "


echo '"""""1234234"""""' | perl -lpe 's/(?:"+(?=\d)|(?<=\d)"+)//g'

the output:


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