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Excel Macro Unable to Separate String Address

Software: MS Excel 2016

Update 1

Please note there can be any number of digits before West, ie

123124234234West18th Street

2West 14th Avenue


Please assist with general solution

Original Question

There is address, 31West 52nd Street I am trying to split the 31 and West so output will be

31 West 52nd Street

Tried this Macro statement but it won't work, please guide

Selection.Replace What:="?@West ", Replacement:=" West " _ , LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat _ :=False, ReplaceFormat:=False

This is a sample of code, that would check for the first few chars. If they are digits, if would split them with a space from the rest:

Option Explicit

Public Sub TestMe()

    Debug.Print fnStrStripMyNumber("31West  52nd Street")
    Debug.Print fnStrStripMyNumber("123Vityata Shampion")

End Sub

Public Function fnStrStripMyNumber(strStr As String) As String

    Dim lngCountDigits  As Long
    Dim lngCounter      As Long

    strStr = Trim(strStr)

    For lngCounter = 1 To Len(strStr)
        If IsNumeric(Mid(strStr, lngCounter, 1)) Then
            lngCountDigits = lngCountDigits + 1
            Exit For
        End If
    Next lngCounter

    strStr = Left(strStr, lngCountDigits) & " " & Right(strStr, Len(strStr) - lngCountDigits)
    fnStrStripMyNumber = Trim(strStr)

End Function

Thus, from input:

"31West  52nd Street"
"123Vityata Shampion"

We get output:

31 West  52nd Street
123 Vityata Shampion

You can try this excel formula as well,

=LEFT(A1,FIND("West",A1)-1)&" "&RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND("West",A1)+1)


Or if you want a macro only,

Sub rep()
Range("B1") = Replace(Range("A1"), "West", " West")
End Sub

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