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Python Nested list -Time intervals - intersection and difference

I have a problem with a nested list, time as elements


as you can see, all the elements belong to the same day, 2017-01-01, what I want to do is the difference (in seconds or ms) of the entire day (86400s) and all the intervals in the list, but there are some overlaps, so I think that first I have to do some kind of "intersection check", and after all the intersections are set, just do the difference between all the elements and 86400, but how can I do that intersection check?. Any suggestion would be highly appreciated, Thanks in advance!

Desired Output: 86400(day) - 85000(possible time in seconds after time intersection of list) = 1400


The problem is twofold:

  • to replace overlapping intervals with their unions;
  • to sum the resulting non-overlapping intervals.

The first part can be done like this:

new_time = [list(time[0])]
for t in time[1:]:
    if t[0] <= new_time[-1][1]:
        if t[1] > new_time[-1][1]:
            new_time[-1][1] = t[1]

while the second part is best done using datetime module:

import datetime

total = sum([ ( datetime.datetime.strptime(t[1], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') -
                datetime.datetime.strptime(t[0], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') ).total_seconds()
              for t in new_time ])

print(86400 - total)

You can sort and then merge any overlaps

noOverlapList = []
start = time[0][0] # start of first interval
end = time[0][1] # end of first interval
for interval in time:
    # if interval overlaps with tempInterval
    if interval[0] < end and interval[1] > end:
            end = interval[1]
    else if interval[0] > end:
        noOverlapList.append((start, end)) # merged non overlapping interval
        start = interval[0]
        end = interval[1]

Then just sum the intervals contained in noOverlaplList , and get the difference

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