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Split a multi-line string when a line matches a substring in Scala

Split a multi-line string when a line matches a substring in Scala. Below is the same snippet code. But I would like to use proper regex.

val s1 =
    |            GO
    |,I am Naga
    |GOTO School
    |GO Heaven


,I am Naga
GOTO School 
GO Heaven

want to check using ^ and $ in regex instead of \\n

You may use

val key = "GO"
val res = s1.stripMargin('|').split(s"(?mi)^\\s*${key}\\s*$$[\r\n]*")

See the Scala demo

The regex split is applied after stripMargin('|') is used to remove the indentation first.

Pattern matches :

  • (?mi) - the whole pattern is case insensitive as i is the case insensitive modifier and m makes ^ and $ match start / end of a line rather than a string
  • ^ - the beginning of a line
  • \\\\s* - 0 or more whitespaces
  • ${key} - the value of key (note you might need Pattern.quote to escape any special chars in that variable)
  • \\\\s* - trailing line whitespace
  • $$ - it is in fact a single literal $ - end of a line (it is doubled as the string literal is an interpolated one where $ is used to introduce code)
  • [\\r\\n]* - zero or more CR or/and LF line break chars.
s1.split( "(?m)^(\\s*(?i)%s)\\s*$[\r\n]*".format("GO"))


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