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Auto-generated XML code in powershell

Right now I am using a button to generate unique XML code for every user it creates. Right now my XML looks like this:


What I am trying to do is make multiple <Group> tags under the Groups ; one for each group that a user selects from a CheckedListBox.

What I need is something like this:

    <Group name="Group1"/>
    <Group name="Group2"/>
    <!-- Create the rest dynamically as they are checked -->

Each one of these checkboxes is populated with a resource group that I pull directly from Active Directory. I assume I'm going to need to write some sort of foreach loop to set everything, but I can't seem to figure it out. Here is what I have so far:

# generates the xml
    $XML_Path = "\\papertransport.com\files\UserDocuments\mneis\Code\XML\New User GUI XML Files\"
    $GeneratedXML = "
                <Group></Group> <!-- Here is where I need to loop -->

    # Create file
    $GeneratedXML | Out-File "\\papertransport.com\files\UserDocuments\mneis\Code\XML\New User GUI XML Files\NewUser-$firstname$lastname.xml"

And here is where I populate the CheckedListBox with the active directory resource groups:

    Import-Module ActiveDirectory

    # read in the XML files
    [xml]$NewUserTest = Get-Content -LiteralPath \\papertransport.com\files\UserDocuments\mneis\Code\XML\NewUserTest.xml

    # popoulate the checklist with the groups from active directory
    $AD_ResourceGroups = Get-ADGroup -filter * -SearchBase "OU=Resource Groups,OU=Groups,OU=Paper Transport,DC=papertransport,DC=com"
    $AD_ResourceGroups | ForEach-Object { $chklistGroups.Items.Add($_.name) }

Assuming $SelectedGroups is populated with an array of groups selected by the checklist (or replace this with however you get that data), you can do this:

$Groups = $SelectedGroups | ForEach-Object {
    "               <Group>$_</Group>"

Then just use $Groups in the appropriate place in $GeneratedXML .

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