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How do I print the first letter of each string in a list in one line?

For one of my tasks, the user inputs multiple strings until they enter a blank line and then it prints it out in one line, this is how I did it.

words = []
word = input("Word: ")

while word:
  word = input("Word: ")

words = (' ').join(words)

However, there's another part where it takes the first letter of each string in the list and prints it out in capital letters in one line. I cannot figure out how to print this on one line. This is my code:

words_split = words.split() 
for word in words_split:
  i = word[0]

eg If I entered ace, bravo, charlie : it would print out




instead of


Can someone assist me thank you (:

Lots of possibilities, but this is how I would do it:

words_split = words.split() 
print(''.join(word[0].upper() for word in words_split))

Updated my answer since @Smarx gave an identical one.


words = "ABC BCA CAB"

This is how I'd put it:

first_letter_upper = [word[0].upper() for word in words.split()]
joined_words = ''.join(first_letter_upper)



I have another solution using Python List Comprehension i recomend read more about the method on the web.

if you have the next example:

words = 'Create a list of the first letters of every word in this string'

You can create a new list with every firts letter writing someting like that:

newlist = [x[0].upper() for x in words.split()]

The correct output is:

 ['C', 'A', 'L', 'O', 'T', 'F', 'L', 'O', 'E', 'W', 'I', 'T', 'S']

Create an empty string outside of the for loop and add each letter to it inside the loop. Once the loop ends, print the string.

words_split = words.split()

output = ""

for word in words_split:
    output += word[0].upper()


An alternate method is to change the terminating character of the print to nothing:

words_split = words.split()

for word in words_split:
    i = word[0]
    print(i.upper(), end='')

your problem is that the print function going one line down after each print, to solve it you can use the end parameter:

print("a",end = '')
print("b",end = '')

will print:


instead of:



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