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return values from exceptions in multiprocessing

I'm calling a function task(url, param1, param2) that return either the result of an API call to url = url or the url name if the API call did not work. My task looks something like:

def task(url, param1, param2):
        make_api_call(url, param1, param2)
    except ValueError as e:
        print("val error")            
        return url

Now I want to apply task to a list of 100 urls and start multiprocessing them as:

import multiprocessing as mp

def run_tasks(urls, param1, param2):
    jobs = []
    for i in range(len(urls)):
        process = mp.Process(target=task, args=(urls[i], param1, param2))

    ## catch error processes
    error_urls = []

    ## start processes
    for j in jobs:

    ## finish processes
    for j in jobs:

From the above run_tasks , how would I return a list of the url s that had given me a ValueError ? I tried error_urls.append(j.join()) , but this didn't work.

There are two method to get result from the process.

Method 1. Use list from Manager . You need't to use lock to synchronize between process.

from multiprocessing import Process, Manager

def task(url, param1, param2, error_list):
        make_api_call(url, param1, param2)
    except ValueError as e:
        print("val error")            

def run_tasks(urls, param1, param2):

    error_list = Manager().list()    
    jobs = []

    for i in range(len(urls)):
        process = Process(target=task, args=(urls[i], param1, param2, error_list))

    ## start processes
    for j in jobs:

    ## finish processes
    for j in jobs:

Method 2. Use ProcessPoolExecutor from concurrent.futures . This method is easy to understand and less code.

from concurrent import futures

def task(url, param1, param2):
        make_api_call(url, param1, param2)
    except ValueError as e:
        print("val error")            
        return url

def runt_tasks(urls, param1, param2):

    with futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
        result = executor.map(task, urls, [param1] * len(urls), [param2] * len(urls))

    error_list = [item for item in result if item is not None]

At last, from the description of the question. It's a IO sensitive problem. I recommend you to use ThreadPoolExecutor . When you do a IO operation, the thread will release the GIL to let other threads to run. For a CPU sensitive problem, you'd better to use ProcessPoolExecutor . And asyncio is another choice to do concurrent programming in Python 3.

Try the shared memory. use this multiprocessing.sharedctypes.Array(typecode_or_type, size_or_initializer, *args[, lock])

You can define this in in run_tasks

from multiprocessing import Process, Lock
from multiprocessing.sharedctypes import Array
lock = Lock()
error_urls = Array(c_char_p, [], lock = lock)


def task(url, param1, param2):
       make_api_call(url, param1, param2)
    except ValueError as e:
       print("val error")            

as the doc of Array():

The same as RawArray() except that depending on the value of lock a process-safe synchronization wrapper may be returned instead of a raw ctypes array.

So it is process-safe. More about Array() can refer this , about ctypes(c_char_p)refer this

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