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How do I read abstract programming information

I had a test yesterday and I found myself having to understand something I had no knowledge about.

Please see the following page:

  declaration-list declaration 
  storage-class-specifier declaration-specifiersopt
  type-specifier declaration-specifiersopt
  type-qualifier declaration-specifiersopt 
storage-class specifier: one of
  auto register static extern typedef 
type specifier: one of
  void char short int long float double signed
  unsigned struct-or-union-specifier enum-specifier typedef-name 
type-qualifier: one of
  const volatile 
  struct-or-union identifieropt { struct-declaration-list }
  struct-or-union identifier 
struct-or-union: one of
  struct union 
  struct declaration
  struct-declaration-list struct declaration 
  init-declarator-list, init-declarator 
  declarator = initializer 
  specifier-qualifier-list struct-declarator-list; 
  type-specifier specifier-qualifier-listopt
  type-qualifier specifier-qualifier-listopt 
  struct-declarator-list , struct-declarator 
  declaratoropt : constant-expression 
  enum identifieropt { enumerator-list }
  enum identifier 

This is from the book "The C Programming Language" by Brian W. Kernighan Dennis M. Ritchie but I saw it on the internet and on many other books.

I tried googling it but frankly, I have no Idea how is it called so I couldn't find any relevant information. Our professors have never tought us to read it and I now believe it's extremely important to know how to read it.

I'm looking for reference to guides or a short explanation on how to approach it.

I apologize if that's a repost but I couldn't find any related post.

The first definition...

    declaration-list declaration

...can be read as: "A declaration-list is either a declaration or a declaration-list followed by a declaration."

This recursive definition allows for the following as examples of a declaration-list:

  • declaration
  • declaration declaration
  • declaration declaration declaration
  • etc.

The full grammar definition will contain additional rules describing what makes up a valid declaration, and so on.

It is called the syntax notation. It is described in C11 6.1 :

  1. In the syntax notation used in this clause, syntactic categories (nonterminals) are indicated by italic type , and literal words and character set members (terminals) by bold type . A colon (:) following a nonterminal introduces its definition. Alternative definitions are listed on separate lines, except when prefaced by the words ''one of''. An optional symbol is indicated by the subscript opt , so that

    { expression opt }

    indicates an optional expression enclosed in braces.

So, to take the first non-terminal as an example:

declaration-list :
declaration-list declaration

means that a declaration-list is a single declaration , or alternatively a declaration-list followed by a single declaration (ie it would define itself recursively).

By the way, these declaration-lists are the old and long obsolete way how function parameters were typed in C:

some_function(a, b)
    int a;
    double b;
    printf("a = %d, b = %f\n", a, b);

The int a; double b; int a; double b; part is the optional declaration-list , and double b; is a single declaration . So the declaration-list is defined recursively as being a declaration list that is of one declaration, or a declaration list that is followed by a declaration.

To actually internalize meaning to these syntactic constructs, you'd better read the C11 standard draft n1570 online or the PDF version . Note also, that the grammar just gives the syntax of a C program, but the constraints and semantics of the C program are written in text.

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