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Python share variables between functions but not threads

I am writing some code that i have threaded, and am using various different functions at once. I have a variable called ref that is different for each thread.

ref is defined within a function within the threaded function, so when I use global ref , all the threads use the same value for ref (which I don't want). However when I don't use global ref , other functions can't use ref as it is not defined.


def threadedfunction():
    def getref():
        ref = [get some value of ref]
    def useref():

If defining ref as global doesn't fit your needs then you don't have many other options...

Edit your function's parameters and returns. Possible solution:

def threadedfunction():

    def getref():
        ref = "Hello, World!"
        return ref # Return the value of ref, so the rest of the world can know it

    def useref(ref):
        print(ref) # Print the parameter ref, whatever it is.

    ref = getref() # Put in variable ref whatever function getref() returns
    useref(ref) # Call function useref() with ref's value as parameter


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