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Implementation method not being called from Rest Controller using Spring

I'm trying to call an implementation method from my controller class. I've annotated the interface with @Component and Autowired this interface in my controller. But, its throwing me 404 exception.

On another way, I created a simple DAO and annotated with @Component, this is working from my controller.

My question is I want to follow by calling an interface method, which inturn will call the DAO.

Here is my flow.

public class PurchaseController {

private DpDAO dpDAO;*/  ----> This is working
private PurchaseService purchaseService; --> This is not working

public String createPurchase(@PathVariable("partyId") String partyId, @PathVariable("transactionId") String transactionId) {
    return purchaseService.createPurchase(partyId, transactionId); --> This is not working
    //return dpDAO.createPurchase(partyId, transactionId); --> This is working

My interface

public interface PurchaseService {
    public String createPurchase(String partyId, String transactionId);

DpDAO class

public class DpDAO  {

public String createPurchase(String partyId, String dealId) {
    // Able to get logs here
    return null;


Cannot we annotate the interfaces? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I suspect the issue is that PurchaseService is an interface, while DpDAO is a class. That is, you have an instance of the latter but not of the former.

If that's true, then Spring cannot find a bean to inject. So you'll need some way of creating an instance of PurchaseService to be injected.

You could create an instance thus:

class PurchaseServiceImpl implements PurchaseService
     // Fill in

Or you have a factory method on one of your initialiser classes. Something like:

public PurchaseService createService()
     return new PurchaseServiceImpl();

Your interfaces is a specification. Although you annotate with @Autowired your Interface what spring really does is injecting the implementation you specified.

Thus either you provide an interface implementation as a component

public class PurchaseServiceImpl implements PurchaseService {


Or you create a bean that gives back the implementation of your choice

public class MyConfig {
    public PurchaseService purchaseService() {

There are case of multiple interface implementations. In those cases you use the qualifier. For example

public class PurchaseServiceIOne implements PurchaseService {


public class PurchaseServiceTwo implements PurchaseService {


The you inject the service using the qualifier

private PurchaseService purchaseService;

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