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How can I reach real-time index updating using ES + Logstash + MySQL when data was updated, added or deleted?

I have MySQL DB with one table without joins with ~100 millions of rows . These items can be updated or removed and also new records are saved into MySQL DB periodically eg every minute. How can I reach updating indexes in Elasticsearch

when data is updated/changed/deleted in MySQL DB?

Actualizing data is must have for me it's very important to stay up to date with MySQL. Is it possible? Thanks.

Also I have tried the solution with schedule => "* * * * *" and updated_at > :sql_last_value but it is very slow.

不知道您所说的“非常慢”是什么意思,但是如果它与采样频率有关,则表达式: schedule => "/2 * * * * *"将执行您在语句变量in中定义的查询.config文件每两秒钟。

Thanks for the reply to all, I've found the solution for me thanks to Aaron Mildenstein who helped me on discuss.elastic.co. See the thread here.

The answer:

In order to achieve this, you will need a separate process that monitors binlog transactions and initiates updates to the Elasticsearch end of things. Elastic does not currently offer any tools that do this, so you'll have to find one that someone open sourced, or write your own.

To parse binlogs I used this lib: https://github.com/siddontang/go-mysql-elasticsearch

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