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Find Text between special characters and replace string

For instance I have a String that contains:

String s = "test string *67* **Hi**";

I want to to get this String :


With the stars, so I can start replace that part of the string. My code at the moment looks like this:

String s = "test string *67* **Hi**";

        s = s.substring(s.indexOf("*") + 1);
        s = s.substring(0, s.indexOf("*"));

This outputs: 67 without the stars.

I would like to know how to get a string between some special character, but not with the characters together, like I want to.

The output should be as followed:

//output: test string hello **hi**

To replace only the string between special characters :

String regex = "(\\s\\*)([^*]+)(\\*\\s)";
String s = "test string *67* **Hi**";

// output: test string *hello* **Hi**

DEMO and Regex explanation

To remove also the special characters use below regex:

String regex = "(\\s)(\\*[^*]+\\*)(\\s)";


You just need to extend boundaries:

s = s.substring(s.indexOf("*"));
s = s.substring(0, s.indexOf("*", 1)+1);
s = s.substring(s.indexOf("*"));
s = s.substring(0, s.indexOf("*", 1) + 1);

Your +1 is in the wrong place :) Then you just need to find the next one starting from the second position

I think you can even get your output with List as well

String s = "test string *67* **Hi**";

List<String> sList = Arrays.asList(s.split(" "));


Hope this will help.

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