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Python - What is the logic behind + function(i) +

In the following block of codes:

print('My name is')
for i in range(5):
    print('Jimmy Five Times (' + str(i) + ')')

I understand that the code will run 5 times where i = 0 to 4.

However, I don't understand the logic behind the + operators added before and after the str() function.

How can this + function() + applied to other scenarios?

str(i) is the string representation of i . Documentation :

Return a str version of object.

If a , b and c are strings, then a + b + c is the string resulting of their concatenation.

Therefore, with i being an int between 0 and 4 , say 3 , 'Jimmy Five Times (' + str(i) + ')' is the folowing string:

'Jimmy Five Times (3)'

In python, + is used for string contate. ie:

data1 = "Hello"
data2 = "World"


The output will be :


str is a function that returns a string representation of i , so:

print('My name is')
for i in range(5):
    print('Jimmy Five Times (' + str(i) + ')')
# => 'Jimmy Fine Times (0)'
# => 'Jimmy Fine Times (1)'
# => 'Jimmy Fine Times (...

Calling a function that returns a string within a string concatenation 'A' + func() + 'B' , will just use replace the function call with the string returned by the function (if no error or exceptions were raised), example:

def getName():
  name=input('Enter name: ')
  return name

print('Hello '+getName()+', Welcome to StackOverflow.')

#In: Enter name:  Jack
#Out: Hello Jack, Welcome to StackOverflow.

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