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Need user input data converted as percentage and added to a total sum variable Python 3.6

How do you convert user input data collected as an integer into a percentage and then have that converted percentage data into a running sum total stored in a variable? I need the "Tax percentage to be collected" input data converted into a percent and somehow added to the "t" variable.

Here is how I am collecting the data:

b = 0
b += int(input("Acquisition cost?"))
b += int(input("Misc Expenses?"))

t = 0
t += int(input("Processing fee"))
t += int(input("Tax percentage to be collected"))

s = 0
s += int(input("Sell price?"))

net_profit =  (b + t) - s
cost_to_buyer = s + t

Again, I need the "Tax percentage to be collected" input question data that is collected as an integer converted to a percent and added to the running total "t" variable.

First I'd start out by making the code more readable:

acquisition_cost = int(input("Acquisition cost?"))
expenses = int(input("Misc Expenses?"))

total_cost = acquisition_cost + expenses 

tax = int(input("Processing fee"))
# Is this what you were looking for? 
tax_band = float(input("Tax percentage to be collected"))/100

total_tax = tax * tax_band

sell_price = int(input("Sell price?"))

net_profit = (total_cost + total_tax) - sell_price
cost_to_buyer = sell_price + total_tax

You could use something like :

t *= 1+int(input("Tax percentage to be collected"))/100


t = 0
t += int(input("Processing fee")) # input 100
t *= 1+int(input("Tax percentage to be collected"))/100 # input 5

print(t) # result 105.0

Do you mean

t = 0
t += int(input("Processing fee"))
t += t / 100 * int(input("Tax percentage to be collected"))

? I'm not sure if I fully understand your question.

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