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subprocess.call() formatting issue

I am very new to subprocess , and I have a hard debugging it without any error code.

I'm trying to automatically call an API which respond to :

http -f POST https://api-adresse.data.gouv.fr/search/csv/ columns=voie columns=ville data@path/to/file.csv > response_file.csv

I've tried various combination with subprocess.call , but I only manage to get "1" as an error code. What is the correct way to format this call, knowing that the answer from the API has to go in a csv file, and that I send a csv (path after the @data)?

EDIT: Here are my attempts :

ret = subprocess.call(cmd,shell=True)
ret = subprocess.call(cmd.split(),shell=True)
ret = subprocess.call([cmd],shell=True)
  • The same with shell = False , and with stdout = myFileHandler (open inside a with open(file,"w") as myFileHandler:)

EDIT2 : still curious about the answer, but I managed to go around with Request, as @spectras suggested

file_path =  "PATH/TO/OUTPUT/FILE.csv"
url = "https://api-adresse.data.gouv.fr/search/csv/"
files = {'data': open('PATH/TO/CSV/FILE.csv','rb')}
values = {'columns': 'Adresse', 'columns': 'Ville', 'postcode': 'CP'}
r = requests.post(url, files=files, data=values)
with open(file_path, "w") as myFh:

Since you are attempting to send a form, may I suggest you do it straight from python?

import requests

with open('path/to/file', 'rb') as fd:
    payload = fd.read()

r = requests.post(
        ('columns', 'voie'),
        ('columns', 'ville'),
        'data': ('filename.csv', payload, 'text/csv'),
if r.status_code not in requests.codes.ok:

with open('response_file.csv', 'wb') as result:

This uses the ubiquitous python-requests module, and especially the form file upload part of the documentation.

It's untested. Basically, I opened httpie documentation and converted your command line arguments into python-requests api arguments.

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