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How to hashmap a JSON's key-value pair where Value type and number of key-value pairs not known

I have a JSON in string format coming from DB, about which I only know that it's in key-value format. I don't know beforehand

  • How many pairs will be there in JSON string
  • type-of Value. It can be String or Object.

Here are some of my JSON String:

  • {"windowHandle":"current"} \\\\ in one String: String format
  • {"type":"implicit","ms":100000} \\\\ in two String: String format
  • {"id":"{a67fc38c-10e6-4c5e-87dc-dd45134db570}"} \\\\ in one String: String format
  • {"key1": {"sub-key1": "sub-value1", "sub-key2": "sub-value2"}, "key2": {"sub-key2": "sub-value2"}} \\\\ in two String: Object format

So, basically: Number of key-value pair and type of value(String, Object) is not known beforehand.

I want to store this data into my Hashmap. I know that if could be only String: String format, I could do as following put in the Hashmap.

My question is ,

  • How I can store json in this case efficiently without iterating over JSON String.
  • What should be my Hashmap type, definetily not HashMap <String, String> ?

Thanks in Advance !

you can try following code.

List<Map<String, Object>> mapdataList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();

    Map<String, Object> MapObj = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    MapObj.put("windowHandle", "current");
    MapObj.put("id", "{a67fc38c-10e6-4c5e-87dc-dd45134db570}");

    Gson gson = new Gson();
    JsonObject jObject = new JsonObject();
    JsonParser jP = new JsonParser();
    jObject.add("data", jP.parse(gson.toJson(mapdataList)));

You can use the com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper or Gson to convert the String into a Map<String, Object> .

Here is an example using Gson

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create();
    Map map = gson.fromJson("{\"var\":\"value\"}", Map.class);
    System.out.println("map = " + map);

You can get an example of the ObjectMapper in action over here .

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