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Computation of symbolic eigenvalues with sympy

I'm trying to compute eigenvalues of a symbolic complex matrix M of size 3x3 . In some cases, eigenvals() works perfectly. For example, the following code:

import sympy as sp

kx = sp.symbols('kx')
x = 0.

M = sp.Matrix([[0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.]])
M[0, 0] = 1. 
M[0, 1] = 2./3.
M[0, 2] = 2./3.
M[1, 0] = sp.exp(1j*kx) * 1./6. + x
M[1, 1] = sp.exp(1j*kx) * 2./3.
M[1, 2] = sp.exp(1j*kx) * -1./3.
M[2, 0] = sp.exp(-1j*kx) * 1./6.
M[2, 1] = sp.exp(-1j*kx) * -1./3.
M[2, 2] = sp.exp(-1j*kx) * 2./3.

dict_eig = M.eigenvals()

returns me 3 correct complex symbolic eigenvalues of M . However, when I set x=1. , I get the following error:

raise MatrixError("Could not compute eigenvalues for {}".format(self))

I also tried to compute eigenvalues as follows:

lam = sp.symbols('lambda')
cp = sp.det(M - lam * sp.eye(3))
eigs = sp.solveset(cp, lam)

but it returns me a ConditionSet in any case, even when eigenvals() can do the job.

Does anyone know how to properly solve this eigenvalue problem, for any value of x ?

Your definition of M made life too hard for SymPy because it introduced floating point numbers. When you want a symbolic solution, floats are to be avoided. That means:

  • instead of 1./3. (Python's floating point number) use sp.Rational(1, 3) (SymPy's rational number) or sp.S(1)/3 which has the same effect but is easier to type.
  • instead of 1j (Python's imaginary unit) use sp.I (SymPy's imaginary unit)
  • instead of x = 1. , write x = 1 (Python 2.7 habits and SymPy go poorly together).

With these changes either solveset or solve find the eigenvalues, although solve gets them much faster. Also, you can make a Poly object and apply roots to it, which is probably most efficient:

M = sp.Matrix([
        sp.Rational(2, 3),
        sp.Rational(2, 3),
        sp.exp(sp.I*kx) * sp.Rational(1, 6) + x,
        sp.exp(sp.I*kx) * sp.Rational(1, 6),
        sp.exp(sp.I*kx) * sp.Rational(-1, 3),
        sp.exp(-sp.I*kx) * sp.Rational(1, 6),
        sp.exp(-sp.I*kx) * sp.Rational(-1, 3),
        sp.exp(-sp.I*kx) * sp.Rational(2, 3),
lam = sp.symbols('lambda')
cp = sp.det(M - lam * sp.eye(3))
eigs = sp.roots(sp.Poly(cp, lam))

(It would be easier to do from sympy import * than type all these sp.)

I'm not quite clear on why SymPy's eigenvals method reports failure even with the above modifications. As you can see in the source , it doesn't do much more than what the above code does: call roots on the characteristic polynomial. The difference appears to be in the way this polynomial is created: M.charpoly(lam) returns

PurePoly(lambda**3 + (I*sin(kx)/2 - 5*cos(kx)/6 - 1)*lambda**2 + (-I*sin(kx)/2 + 11*cos(kx)/18 - 2/3)*lambda + 1/6 + 2*exp(-I*kx)/3, lambda, domain='EX')

with mysterious (to me) domain='EX' . Subsequently, an application of roots returns {} , no roots found. Looks like a deficiency of the implementation.

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