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How to add to JavaFX Scene stylesheet from another module in Java 9?

I have two JPMS modules:

  • module-a
  • module-b

In module-a I have something like:

public class MyAppplication extends Application {
   public static void addCss(String path) {

In module-b I have CSS file which I want to add to MyApplication . How to do it in code in module-b? I can't understand how to pass path from another module.

I mean in module-b:


In OSGi I used the following solution in bundle-b (assuming, that module-a was bundle-a, and module-b was bundle-b):

String pathInBundleB = "com/foo/package-in-bundle-b/file.css"
Bundle bundleB = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(this.getClass()).getBundleContext().getBundle();
URL cssFileUrl = bundleB.getEntry(pathInBundleB);

I found the solution with the help of @AlanBateman.

Assuming, that css file is in com/foo/some-package/file.css I use the following code in module-b:

package com.foo.some-package;

public class SomeClass {

  public void init() {

Besides, in module-info of module-b I have:

opens com.foo.some-package to module-a;
package org.apis.style.css;

public class CommonCss {

    public static String getCommonCssStyle(){
       return CommonCss.class.getClassLoader().getResource("common.css").toExternalForm();

Export this package to all.

In other module I add this


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