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Find all possible permutations of change

I had an interesting interview question that I'm having a hard time solving (I have 7 of the 10 permutations)

The question was

Find all possible permutations to make change given the following coins, 25¢, 10¢, 5¢. The answer MUST BE saved in a list, and MUST BE returned as a JSON string when the method is called

Furthermore, the requirements were that when printed, the solution MUST look like this

For instance, given an amount of 50¢, the solution should look like the following when printed out

25: 2, 10: 0, 5: 0
25: 1, 10: 1, 5: 3
25: 1, 10: 2, 5: 1
25: 1, 10: 0, 5: 5
25: 0, 10: 5, 5: 0
25: 0, 10: 4, 5: 2
25: 0, 10: 3, 5: 4
25: 0, 10: 2, 5: 6
25: 0, 10: 1, 5: 8
25: 0, 10: 0, 5: 10

Needless to say, after 2 hours (the time limit to the test) I was unable to finish. But, it got me wandering, if I could solve the problem. I've tried for the past 6 hours to get the result, but the best I can come up with is

1 => {25: 2, 10: 0, 5: 0}
2 => {25: 1, 10: 1, 5: 3}
3 => {25: 1, 10: 2, 5: 1}
4 => {25: 1, 10: 0, 5: 5}
5 => {25: 0, 10: 5, 5: 0}
6 => {25: 0, 10: 1, 5: 8}
7 => {25: 0, 10: 0, 5: 10}

Using this code

class ChangeMachine(object):
    def __init__(self, amount, coins=[25, 10, 5]):
        self.amount = amount
        self.coins = coins
        self.result = []

        self.initial_way = {}
        for coin in coins:
            self.initial_way[coin] = 0

    def getAllPermutations(self):
        for index in xrange(0, len(self.coins)):
            coin = self.coins[index]

            self.changeFromSameCoin(self.amount, coin)

            self.changeUsingOneCoin(self.amount, coin, self.coins[index + 1:])

    def changeFromSameCoin(self, amount, coin):
        """loops through all the coins, finding the ones which can be divided
        into the amount evenly

            amount: int
            coin: int

        way = dict(self.initial_way)

        if amount % coin == 0:
            way[coin] = amount / coin

    def changeUsingOneCoin(self, amount, initial_coin, coin_list):
        """Makes change using 1 large coin and the rest small coins
            amount: int
            initial_coin: int - the "large" denomination that is to be used once
            coin_list: list - contains the remainder of the coins 

        if amount <= initial_coin:

        remainder   = amount - initial_coin
        init_way    = dict(self.initial_way)
        num_coins   = len(coin_list)
        coin_used   = 0

        outer_counter = 0

        # keep track of the number of times the outer coins are used
        # make it 1 because the outer coin has to be used at least once
        # even if outer coin is > remainder, we are still trying to use
        # it once
        outer_coin_used = 1

        # since the initial coin MUST BE used at least once, go ahead and
        # create an initial dictionary that has the initial coin used
        # once
        init_way[initial_coin] = 1

        while outer_counter < num_coins:
            outer_coin = coin_list[outer_counter]

            # initialize way on every loop
            way = dict(init_way)

            # subtract the current outer coin from the remainder. We do this
            # because if the remainder is 0, then it means that only 1 of this
            # coin and the initial coin are needed to make change
            # If the remainder is negative, then, one of the larger coin and
            # one of this coin, cannot make change
            # The final reason is because if we make change with the other
            # coins, we need to check if we double, triple, etc this coin
            # that we can still make change.
            # This helps us find all permutations
            remainder -= (outer_coin * outer_coin_used)

            if remainder < 0:
                # move to next coin using the outer_counter
                outer_counter += 1

                # reset the remainder to initial - large coin
                remainder = amount - initial_coin

                # rest the times the coin was used to 1
                outer_coin_used = 1

            way[outer_coin] += outer_coin_used

            if remainder == 0:
                # add the way we just found to our result list

                # move to the next element in the list
                outer_counter += 1

                # reset the remainder, our way result set, and times the
                # outer coin was used
                remainder = amount - initial_coin
                way       = dict(init_way)
                outer_coin_used = 0


            # so, if we got here, the outer coin reduced the remainder, but
            # didn't get it to 0
            for index in range(outer_counter + 1, num_coins):
                # our goal here is to make change with as few of coins as
                # possible
                inner_coin = coin_list[index]

                if remainder % inner_coin == 0:
                    way[inner_coin] = remainder / inner_coin
                    remainder = 0

                if remainder - inner_coin < 0:
                    # this coin is too large, move onto the next coin

                # this coin goes into the remainder some odd number of times
                # subtract it from our remainder and move onto the next coin
                remainder /= inner_coin
                way[inner_coin] += remainder

            # end for index in range()

            if remainder == 0:
                # we found a way to make change, save it

            # reset the remainder to initial - large coin
            remainder = amount - initial_coin

            # increment the outer coin used by 1, because we will try
            # to decrement remainder by more than 1 outer coin
            outer_coin_used += 1

        # end while loop

    # end def changeUsingOneCoin()
# end class

from pprint import pprint

def main(amount, coins=[25, 10, 5]):
    result = []

    amount = 50
    coins  = [25, 10, 5]
    cm = ChangeMachine(amount, coins)
    # cm.changeUsingOneCoin(amount, coins[0], coins[1:])


    counter = 1
    for record in cm.result:
        print "{} => {}".format(counter, record)
        counter += 1

    return result

if __name__ == '__main__':

    Result MUST BE a list of dictionaries containing all possible answers

    For Example: if main(50, [25, 10, 5]) should return

        {25: 2},
        {25: 1, 10: 2, 5: 1},
        {25: 1, 10: 1, 5: 3},
        {25: 1, 10: 0, 5: 5},
        {25: 0, 10: 5, 5: 0},
        {25: 0, 10: 4, 5: 2},
        {25: 0, 10: 3, 5: 4},
        {25: 0, 10: 2, 5: 6},
        {25: 0, 10: 1, 5: 8},
        {25: 0, 10: 0, 5: 10},
    result = main(50)

I know I'm not going to get the job. But, I really want to know the solution

How strict are they on the actual output (some companies can be pretty pedantic in that regard)? Here's a quick-shod solution with only a couple of nested loops that produces the 10 combinations:

from itertools import count
from pprint import pprint
from operator import itemgetter

results = []
target = 50

for q in count(0):
  for d in count(0):
    for n in count(0):
      if n * 5 + d * 10 + q * 25 == target:
        results.append({25: q, 10: d, 5: n})
      if n * 5 + d * 10 + q * 25 > target:
    if d * 10 + q * 25 > target:
  if q * 25 > target:

results.sort(key = itemgetter(5))
results.sort(key = itemgetter(10), reverse = True)
results.sort(key = itemgetter(25), reverse = True)


[{5: 0, 10: 0, 25: 2},
 {5: 1, 10: 2, 25: 1},
 {5: 3, 10: 1, 25: 1},
 {5: 5, 10: 0, 25: 1},
 {5: 0, 10: 5, 25: 0},
 {5: 2, 10: 4, 25: 0},
 {5: 4, 10: 3, 25: 0},
 {5: 6, 10: 2, 25: 0},
 {5: 8, 10: 1, 25: 0},
 {5: 10, 10: 0, 25: 0}]

The sort calls are just to get the list into the same order they provided (but that seems absurd, imho).

This simpler code does it, except that it doesn't write the output as JSON.

I would be suspicious of an employer that calls these 'permutations'. :)

TOTAL = 50

for q in range(0, 1+50//25):
    remainder_q = TOTAL - 25*q
    for d in range(0, 1+remainder_q//10):
        remainder_d = remainder_q - 10*d
        for n in range(0, 1+remainder_d//5):
            remainder_n = remainder_d - 5*d
            if 25*q+10*d+5*n == 50:
                print (q, d, n)
            if 25*q+10*d+5*n > 50:

0 0 10
0 1 8
0 2 6
0 3 4
0 4 2
0 5 0
1 0 5
1 1 3
1 2 1
2 0 0

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