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Sitecore Goals - Retrieve assigned item goals programmatically

I have built an MVC form which then uses javascript to post request to an API controller. Along with this request I am passing an item ID.

I'm looking to retrieve all of the goals assigned to a Sitecore item so I can retrieve the Goal ID and fire the goal request off programmatically.

Any help would be appreciated

Goals assigned to an item are stored in the __Tracking field.

Eg if you assign built in Newsletter Signup goal to an item, content of the tracking field will be:

<tracking><event id="{1779CC42-EF7A-4C58-BF19-FA85D30755C9}" name="Newsletter Signup" /></tracking>

where the {1779CC42-EF7A-4C58-BF19-FA85D30755C9} is the ID of the Newsletter Signup goal item.

You would need to parse the field to get the goal item ID.

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