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Native library failed to load. Couldn't find “libgnustl_shared.so”

When I try to run my project on emulator x86-64 I get a crash. I have tried a lot of different solutions, but no one helped me to resolve my problem.

ndk {
            ldLibs "log"
            abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a', 'x86'

Engine Mobile: Native library failed to load: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/package-name-1/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/package-name-1/lib/x86_64, /data/app/package-name-1/base.apk!/lib/x86_64, /vendor/lib64, /system/lib64]]] couldn't find "libgnustl_shared.so"

Here my Android.mk, add.application.mk and Application.mk files Android NDK: Your APP_BUILD_SCRIPT points to an unknown file: Android.mk process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, "", ...) failed

libgnustl_shared.so isn't in the Android system libraries. You'd have to include it in your apk libpath or link it statically like someone mentioned using gnustl_static. You could also use another c++ stl l guess or if you have root just drop libgnustl_shared.so into /system/lib or /system/lib64

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