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Convert LinQ from SQL statement in C# MongoDB

I'm working on converting my project from MySQL to MongoDB. I'm converting a few statements to MongoDB by using LinQ.

Here is my Original Statement:

SELECT COUNT(machinelograwdata.Parameter1) AS 'HideSheetCounter', 
    machinelograwdata.Parameter42 AS 'Orders', 
FROM machinelograwdata 
WHERE EventID = '14' 
    AND CONVERT( Parameter35 , DECIMAL) <> 0 
    AND machinelograwdata.StartTime <= ' strSearchingEndDate + ' 
    AND machinelograwdata.StartTime >= ' strSearchingStartDate + ' 
GROUP BY Parameter42 , machinelograwdata.MachineID

and I try the following LinQ syntax and I got error:

var Temp3 = from c in MachineCollection.AsQueryable()
        where c.StartTime >= DateTime.Parse(strSearchingStartDate)
              && c.StartTime <= DateTime.Parse(strSearchingEndDate)
              && c.EventID == "14"
              && c.Parameter35 != "0"
        group c by new { c.Parameter42, c.MachineID } into grps
        select new
            MachineID = grps.Key.MachineID,
            Orders = grps.Key.Parameter42,
            HideSheetCounter = grps.Count(x => x.Parameter1)

Visual Studio raises issues at select and x.Parameter1 For x.Parameter1 , the error is Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'bool'
but my POCO is

public string Parameter1

What is my code wrong? Could you give me some hints? Thank you

The Count() method needs a predicate which returns a boolean for each element you want to count satisfing that condition.

To mimic the same behavior of COUNT(columnName) you need to provide the method a predicate which excludes null values for your field:

grps.Count(x => x.Parameter1 != null)

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