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Implementing a multi parameter generic method in C#

I am trying to learn generics, but there is some things I just cant wrap my head around.

Here are the interfaces and classes in play:

public interface IQueryExecutor
    T ExecuteQuery<T>(IQuery<T> query);

    T ExecuteQuery<T, T1>(IQuery<T, T1> query);        

public interface IQuery<out T>
    T Execute();        

public class StringQuery : IQuery<string>
    public string Execute()
        return "String query executed";

public interface IQuery<out T, in T1>
    T Execute(T1 input);

public class ListQuery : IQuery<List<string>, string>
    public List<string> Execute(string input)
        return new List<string>() { input };

The problem occurs when I try to implement the second method in the queryExecutor:

public class QueryExecutor : IQueryExecutor
    public T ExecuteQuery<T>(IQuery<T> query)
        return query.Execute();

    public T ExecuteQuery<T, T1>(IQuery<T, T1> query)
        return query.Execute(T1 input);

I want to pass T1 as parameter to the method implementation, but that is not possible (could be done by using an IoC container like Autofac, but that's not what I want). Help! There must be some very basics of generics I don't understand.

So the question is, how do I implement:

public T ExecuteQuery<T, T1>(IQuery<T, T1> query)
        return ????

You need to pass input parameter somewhere. The best option would be to extend method signature to accept input parameter like this:

public interface IQueryExecutor
    T ExecuteQuery<T>(IQuery<T> query);

    T ExecuteQuery<T, T1>(IQuery<T, T1> query, T1 input);        

The second option is to remove a second version of your IQuery interface pass input parameter in constructor.

public class ListQuery : IQuery<List<string>>
    private string _input;

    public ListQuery(string input)
       _input= input;
    public List<string> Execute()
        return new List<string>() { _input };

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