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How can i remove all unnecessary values in JSON with regex?

How can i find all unnecessary values in the following JSON example with regex to minimize string json data.

Unnecessary Value conditions:

  • key =any and value = 0
  • key =any and value = 0.0
  • key =any and value = "0000-00-00"
  • key =any and value = "" (empty string)
  • key =any and value = [] (empty array)
  • key =any and value = {} (empty object)
  • key =ends with "ID" and value = all chars of value are 0 ("000" or "00000" or "0")

json example:

{ "a_3":0, "a_1":"", "a_4":0.0, "a_2":"0000-00-00", "a_5":[], "a_6":{}, "a_7ID":"0000000000","b_12ID":"0000000001", "a_8ID":"000000","b_1":0.1,"b_2":2, "b_3":1.0, "b_4":"0", "b_5":"sf" }

(I named unnecessary keys starting with "a_" above)

My Work: https://regex101.com/r/kMe3Zt/4

Regex : (\\"[^"]*\\"\\s*:(((\\[\\])|(\\"\\")|"0000-00-00"|"0000000000"|(\\{\\}))|(0.0))+,?)

c# code:

  public static string clearJSON(string data)
        var regexx = @"(\""[^""]*\""\s*:((\[\])|\""\""|0|""0000-00-00""|""0000000000""|(\{\}))+,?)";
        var result = "";
            result = Regex.Replace(data, regexx, string.Empty);
        } while (Regex.IsMatch(result, regexx));
        return result.Replace(",}", "}").Replace(",]", "]");


There may be an easier way... if you are using JSON.NET (everyone is the days), you can use a couple of settings to ditch the null and default values:

var jsonSerializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings 
      NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore, 
      DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore 

More info here: https://www.newtonsoft.com/json/help/html/SerializationSettings.htm

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