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Uniform texel buffer for Vulkan GLSL

I have an float RGBA buffer that I want to pass to my compute shader as a Uniform Texel Buffer (for read-only access with no sampling). Can someone tell me how to do this in GLSL?

All examples I can find seem to be skipping that topic or have a at best weak nomenclature.

The descriptor type that Vulkan calls "uniform texel buffer" represents a concept that, in OpenGL parlance, is called a " buffer texture ". While normally the GLSL type for this would be samplerBuffer , the Vulkan flavor of GLSL uses textureBuffer instead.

The corresponding descriptor for this type should of course use the VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER type. However, since Vulkan doesn't share OpenGL's notion that this is some kind of texture, the descriptor's data is a VkBufferView , not a VkImage or VkImageView . Specifically, VkWriteDescriptorSet::pTexelBufferView .

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