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How to validate a JSON 2D Array using Rest Assured?

Here is the question.

Part 1:

  "people": [
      "name": "John",
      "address": "765 the the",
      "number": "3277772345",
      "name": "Lee",
      "address": "456 no where",
       "number": "7189875432",

I want to validate the number field ie if the number is "7189875432" . The JSON Path to "7189875432" is: people[1]. number people[1]. number (which is inside a JSON Array).

To do this, I did the fellowing:

List<String> value=
.path("people.findAll{it.number=='7189875432}. number");
 If (value.isEmpty)

This test will pass. Basically, if the value is there it will return a list of that value. This I understand. But now let's says I have a JSON such as:

Part 2

  "people": [
      "name": "John",
      "address": "765 the the",
      "phoneno": [
          "number": "3277772345",

          "number": "654787654",


      "name": "Lee",
      "address": "456 no where",
      "phoneno": [
          "number": "7189875432",

          "number": "8976542234",

          "number": "987654321",




Now I want to validate if the phone number "987654321" is in the JSON. The JSON Path: people[1].phoneno[2].number

List<String> value=
.path("people.phoneno.findAll{it.number=='987654321'}. number");
 If (value.isEmpty)

This test will fail because it will return an empty string.

If I hard code the path like:

.path("people[1].phoneno.findAll{it.number=='987654321'}. number");
 If (value.isEmpty)
            assert.fail(); // this test will pass

Also if I so do something like this

 .path("people.phoneno. number");
I would get a list such as [["987654321", "3277772345", "7189875432", "8976542234"]] 

with a list of all number in the JSON.

So my question is how can we validate a JSON path that has an array inside another array? I do not want to hardcode anything.

Note: The only information available is the number ie "987654321"

You can always write your own custom matcher:

private static Matcher<List<List<String>>> containsItem(String item) {
    return new TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher<List<List<String>>>() {
      protected boolean matchesSafely(List<List<String>> items, Description mismatchDescription) {
        return items.stream().flatMap(Collection::stream).collect(toList()).contains(item);

      public void describeTo(Description description) {
            String.format("(a two-dimensional collection containing \"%s\")", item));

And then use this matcher:

.body("people.phoneno.number", containsItem("987654321"));

To make this matcher even more reusable, make input type generic:
private static <T> Matcher<List<List<T>>> containsItem(T item) {...}

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