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RxJava - How to get Single from nested method

In my Presenter i have a method which gets some list from DataHolder:

            .subscribeWith(new DisposableSingleObserver<Map<String, List<Attraction>>>() {
                public void onSuccess(Map<String, List<Attraction>> stringListMap) {


                public void onError(Throwable e) {


Then, in my DataHolder I'm checking if my list isn't null. If true, returns my list, if false it downloads this list from server :

public Single<Map<String, List<Attraction>>> getMonthOfAttractions(int monthInAdvance) {
    Map<String, List<Attraction>> monthOfAttractions = monthlyAttractionsMap.get(monthInAdvance);
    if (monthOfAttractions != null)
        return Single.fromCallable(() -> monthOfAttractions);
        return apiGetMonthOfAttractions(monthInAdvance);

The problem is with apiGetMonthOfAttractions method. I dont know how to correctly implement this method to return value to my Presenter.

I've tried something like:

private Single<Map<String, List<Attraction>>> apiGetMonthOfAttractions(int monthInAdvance) {
            .subscribeWith(new CnkApiObserver<AttractionListResponse>() {
                public void onSucceeded(AttractionListResponse result) {

                public void onFailed(Error error) {

But in this case i have "missing return statement" and I'm out of ideas how to implement it. I'm begging to learn RxJava, so be understanding.

Please help :)

EDIT: This is what how my Retrofit getAttractions() method looks like:

public interface CnkApiInterface {

Single<AttractionListResponse> getAttractions(@Path("dateFrom") String dateFrom, @Path("dateTo") String dateTo);}

This is what you are after:

private Single<Map<String, List<Attraction>>> apiGetMonthOfAttractions(int monthInAdvance) {
    return cnkRetrofitProvider.getApiInterface()
            .flatMap(attractionListResponse -> Single.just(attractionListResponse.getMonthOfAttractions()));

I thing just try to do something like (it only depends what does your cnkRetrofitProvider.getApiInterface().getAttractions(monthInAdvance) returns)

private Single<Map<String, List<Attraction>>> apiGetMonthOfAttractions(int monthInAdvance) {
  return cnkRetrofitProvider.getApiInterface().getAttractions(monthInAdvance)


should do the trick

You can always just map the result to List<Attraction> so @wojech_maciejewski s answer still holds, you jast need to add a mapping function.

private Single<Map<String, List<Attraction>>> apiGetMonthOfAttractions(int monthInAdvance) {
  return cnkRetrofitProvider.getApiInterface().getAttractions(monthInAdvance)
                            .map(atractions -> /* convert to List<Attraction> here */) 


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