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Async and await Methods

I have a clarification regarding async and await methods in C# in a practical application. Consider the following flow which is a simple version of the working code:


public class Helper
   public CustomDTP _customDTO = null;
   public async Task<Analysis> GetAnalysis(string name, int id,string option)

          if(option == "a")
             //Call ThirdParty service and get Data
             _CustomDTO.Data1 = await GetData1(name,id);
          else if(option == "b")
             //Call ThirdParty service and get Data
             _CustomDTO.Data2 = await GetData2(name,id);
          return _customDTO;


    public async Task<string> ProcessData(HttpRequestMessage message)

            var js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            var Result = message.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
            info = js.Deserialize<CustomDTO>(Result);

            Helper Servc = new Helper();

            var DetailData = await Servc.GetAnalysis(info);

            Data = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(DetailData);
        return Data;


//Knockout js application

self.compositionComplete = function()
 self.Data1 = function () {
            var getURL = Url + "/ProcessData";
            var initData = {
                "name": self.name,
                "id": self.id,
                "option": "a"
                url: getURL,
                cache: false,
                type: "POST",                
                data: JSON.stringify(initData),
                dataType: 'json',
                success: function (result) {
                    //Rendering Data Logic for Option a

self.Data2 = function () {
            var getURL = Url + "/ProcessData";
            var initData = {
                "name": self.name,
                "id": self.id,
                "option": "b"
                url: getURL,
                cache: false,
                type: "POST",                
                data: JSON.stringify(initData),
                dataType: 'json',
                success: function (result) {
                    //Rendering Data Logic for Option b

Now , the issue is GetData1() of Third party service takes less time (eg : 2 seconds) and GetData2() takes more time(eg: 100 seconds) . The idea of making two ajax calls and using async and await was to render the self.Data1 on the screen and do not wait until self.Data2 has been retrieved . Unfortunately in this it is not happening , I will have to wait for 100 seconds for both Data 1 and Data 2 to be shown on the screen . What is that I need to change to ensure separate threads are used for GetData1 and GetData2 .

One more observation is that , if I call self.Data2 on success on self.Data1() like below, I am able to see Data1 on the screen instantly but that is not what I am looking for . I need both Data1 and Data2 to be rendered parallely and aschrynously .

self.Data1 = function () {
            var getURL = Url + "/ProcessData";
            var initData = {
                "name": self.name,
                "id": self.id,
                "option": "a"
                url: getURL,
                cache: false,
                type: "POST",                
                data: JSON.stringify(initData),
                dataType: 'json',
                success: function (result) {

I am sure that the thread is getting blocked after using await but I am not able to get the resolution for making separate calls and render Data1 and Data2 parallely. Any inputs on this?

I'm not sure but everything seems to be okay. I didn't work with knockout how ever this part seems to me "wait until all task complete" or something like that

self.compositionComplete = function()

something like fired when both of them is finished. Maybe you can use different self .

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