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Should I use a method that returns a value and then print the return value in main or just include a print statement in the method?

So, say I have a method that does a calculation and I want to print the result. Is it preferrable to make the method return an integer value like:

public int addTwoNumbers(){
     return result;


And then I could print it using a sysout statement in the main method or should i just put a print out statement inside the the method and make it a return type of void.

public void addTwoNumbers(){


This is a topic of great importance and lengthy theories which you can read about. Look for "Clean Code" (originally a book by Robert Martin).

However, a short practical answer would be - return the value. If a function is supposed to "Add Two Numbers" it should make this sum available to the caller, and it shouldn't do printing.

That will allow (for example...) to add 3 numbers, by making 2 calls to AddTwoNumbers .

Function's name should describe what it does. In your case addTwoNumbers should just add two numbers and nothing more. Rule of thumb: functions should do only one thing (I recommend you to read great book "Clean code"). In the second case more appropriate name would be printSumOfNumbers . Moreover the first method is slightly more universal because you can use the reuslt in any way you want in the future, not only print it to the console.

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