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“Read_Ncol” exit with error code -1073740791

I am using python 3.5.3 and igraph 0.7.1.

Why the following code finishes with "Process finished with exit code -1073740791 (0xC0000409)" error message.

from igraph import Graph

g = Graph.Read_Ncol('test.csv', directed=False)


119 205
119 625
124 133
124 764
124 813
55 86
55 205
55 598
133 764

The Read_Ncol function reads files in NCOL format, as produced by the Large Graph Layout program.

Your example works fine for me, also on Python 3.5.3 with igraph 0.7.1.

>>> g = Graph.Read_Ncol('test.csv', directed=False)
>>> g
<igraph.Graph object at 0x10c4844f8>
>>> print(g)
IGRAPH UN-- 10 9 --
+ attr: name (v)
+ edges (vertex names):
119--205, 119--625, 124--133, 124--764, 124--813, 55--86, 205--55, 55--598,

It seems the error C0000409 means "Stack Buffer Overrun" on Windows, which probably means that your program is writing outside of the space allocated on the stack (it's different from a stack overflow, according to this Microsoft Technet Blog .)

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