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Layered Architecture - Repository and reflection

I am currently using Layered Architecture in my (small) project and thought about extending my BaseRepository (the one the class-specific repositories inherit from) using reflection for the insert/update/delete methods.

My BaseRepository.java looks like this:

public  abstract class BaseRepository<CLASS extends BaseDomain<CLASS>>{


Where BaseDomain is just:

public class BaseDomain<CLASS extends BaseDomain<CLASS>> {
    private Long id;

    //getters setts etc.

Now my problem is in the deleteById method in the BaseRepository:

 public  int deleteById(Connection connection, Long id) throws SQLException {
    PreparedStatement delete= connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM ? WHERE id = ?");
    delete.setObject(1, entity) //heres the problem, where do I get entity from?
    delete.setObject(2, id);

    return 0;

My specific repository extends the Base one like this:

public class UserRepository extends BaseRepository<User>{


How do I get the User class in the BaseRepository so I can use it in the delete/update etc. methods?

Thanks for any help!

How about making the entity be a param to the BaseRepository constructor.


public class UserRepository extends BaseRepository<User>{

    public static final String ENTITY = "users";        

    public UserRepository(){


A simple way I can think but I haven't tried is to pass the entity class type to the BaseRepository .

private final Class<CLASS> entityType;
public BaseRepository(Class<CLASS> entityType) {
  this.entityType = entityType;
// do your stuff

To find the right table to operate according to the entity class type. Could be by convention like most of Ruby ORMs do, say, if the entity type is User , then you can operate against users or user or whatever the convention is.

Or could have a object to provide the configuration to BaseRepository

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