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how connect to mssql named instance

I connected remote mssql default instance like


it succeed to connect and proceed in java source

I connected remote mssql named instance like


(surely I set port to instance in SQL server configuration management TCP/IP IPALL)

It succeed to connect, but not proceed well in java source like router error??

I think only reason is named instance

I don't write English well.. But, Help me..

JDBC doesn't care about instance names, it doesn't use those. The instances are identified by port number.

You need to set up your named instance to allow TCP/IP protocol, assign it a port in TCP/IP IPall that's different from the default instance port ), then restart the named instance. Then you use that port to connect to it throught JDBC.

I solve this problem!! The reason is program installing error and than not build essential DB Data. So connect succeed but not proceed well in program. However I don't know why cause the installing error. it seems to DB authority or named instance... So please you take care of install any program with connect mssql named instance DB. Thank you...

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